Rus Eng
Rambler's Top100
©Copyright iNetique

    // process toolkit method
    public void processToolkit( byte event) throws ToolkitException {

        ProactiveHandler ph = ProactiveHandler.getTheHandler();
        short i;

        switch (event) {
            case EVENT_MENU_SELECTION:
                if (MEProfile.check(PROFILE_SEND_SMS) &&
                                    MEProfile.check(PROFILE_GET_INPUT)) {
                    zipcodeLength =
                                 getInput(zipcodeName, zipcode, (byte)1,
                                 (byte)20, (byte)1);
                    byte[] tpduSubmit = new byte [120];
                    short tpduSubmitLength  = (short)(28 + OTA_ADDRESS.length +
                                 location.length + soapAction.length +
                                 operationName.length + zipcodeLength);
                    tpduSubmit [0] = FIRST_BYTE;
                    tpduSubmit [1] = TP_MR;

                    for (i = 0; i< OTA_ADDRESS.length; i++) {
                        tpduSubmit [(short)(i+2)] = OTA_ADDRESS [i];

                    tpduSubmit [(short)(OTA_ADDRESS.length + 2)] = TP_PID;
                    tpduSubmit [(short)(OTA_ADDRESS.length + 3)] = TP_DCS;
                    tpduSubmit [(short)(OTA_ADDRESS.length + 4)] =
                            (byte)(tpduSubmitLength - (5 + OTA_ADDRESS.length));
                    tpduSubmit [(short)(OTA_ADDRESS.length + 5)] = (byte)0x02;
                    tpduSubmit [(short)(OTA_ADDRESS.length + 6)] = (byte)0x70;
                    tpduSubmit [(short)(OTA_ADDRESS.length + 7)] = (byte)0x00;
                    tpduSubmit [(short)(OTA_ADDRESS.length + 8)] = (byte)0x00;
                    tpduSubmit [(short)(OTA_ADDRESS.length + 9)] =
                            (byte)(tpduSubmitLength - (10 + OTA_ADDRESS.length));
                    tpduSubmit [(short)(OTA_ADDRESS.length + 10)] = (byte)0x0D;

                    for (i = 0; i< 4; i++) {
                        tpduSubmit [(short)(OTA_ADDRESS.length + 11 + i)] =

                    for (i = 0; i< 3; i++) {
                        tpduSubmit [(short)(OTA_ADDRESS.length + 15 + i)] =
                                                           TAR [i];

                    for (i = 0; i< 4; i++) {
                        tpduSubmit [(short)(OTA_ADDRESS.length + 18 + i)] =

                    tpduSubmit [(short)(OTA_ADDRESS.length + 22)] = (byte)0x01;
                    tpduSubmit [(short)(OTA_ADDRESS.length + 23)] = (byte)0x00;

                    // we have to send: location, soapAction,
                    // operation name and parameters (name, type, value)
                    tpduSubmit [(short)(OTA_ADDRESS.length + 24)] =
                    for (i = 0 ; i < location.length ; i++) {
                        tpduSubmit [(short)(OTA_ADDRESS.length + 25 + i)] =
                                                location [i];

                    tpduSubmit [(short)(OTA_ADDRESS.length + 25 +
                             location.length)] = (byte)(soapAction.length);
                    for (i = 0 ; i < soapAction.length ; i++) {
                        tpduSubmit [(short)(OTA_ADDRESS.length + 26 +
                                          location.length + i)] = soapAction [i];